Sunday, 12 June 2011

Become the ART in smART

A sniper... Silently stalking its pray. The innocent nightingale is singing to him. Gazing through his scope at the unsuspecting target. Aware of his surroundings. He knows who he is watching and who might be watching him... Completely focused! The beating of hearts, the sweat of his brow... the fear in his eyes. A simple tune, enough to distract his focus. The last beat was made... Hearts are broken and dreams shattered. The nightingale has sung her last song for the sniper!   

Ok... So whats the point? Don't lose focus! Many people think that taking artistic photos is easy... It is much more advanced than point and shoot. How does one find the right subject and find the "zone" in which to take a brilliant artistic photograph?

First, the subject... Anything is good enough to be art! An empty beer can, shotgun shells, empty bottles and people. There is a fine line between art and scenery photography. Art is more abstract and unrealistically, realistic. Once you find your "zone" you will understand what that means. Choose anything in your reach... and use it as a subject.

The next step is what are you going to do with your subject? Close your eyes and don't imagine what it is... but what is could be! The composition. See it in a way that no one else would. I looked a an egg, and saw an egg-head singing songs! And the result was just that! Many times you will see that your idea changes or even your subject... But then you are doing something right. You are determined to get your smart-art on, and found your "zone". Most important, DONT GIVE UP!

The difference between a good and a bad photo is lighting. You know what? The best lighting for artistic photography is a desk lamp. Set everything up, play with the light and keep shooting until you feel that shot of success! Try using slow shutter speeds to get that warm feeling and a small aperture about f/16... Get those shots and I want to see them in the house and home magazine next month! Have fun!          

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